Source code for pyuff.pyuff

pyuff module

This module defines an UFF class to manipulate with the
UFF (Universal File Format) files, i.e., to read from and write
to UFF files. Among the variety of UFF formats, only some of the
formats (data-set types) frequently used in structural dynamics
are supported: **15, 55, 58, 58b, 82, 151, 164, 2411, 2412, 2414, 2420, 2429, 2467** 
Data-set **58b** is actually a hybrid format [1]_ where the signal is written in the
binary form, while the header-part is slightly different from 58 but still in the
ascii format.

An UFF file is a file that can have many data-sets of either ascii or binary
data where data-set is a block of data between the start and end tags ``____-1``
(``_`` representing the space character). Refer to [1]_ and [2]_ for
more information about the UFF format.

    .. [1]
    .. [2] Matlab's ``readuff`` and ``writeuff`` functions:

    * This source (py2.7) was first written in 2007, 2008 by Primoz Cermelj (
    * As part of the project the first source was adopted for Python 3 by
      Matjaz Mrsnik  <>
    * 2014-2017 the package was part of the OpenModal project maintained by: Martin Česnik, 
      Matjaž Mršnik, Miha Pirnat, Janko Slavič, Blaž Starc (in alphabetic order)
    * The package is maintained by Janko Slavič <>

    * by default 58 data-set is written in double precision (see option `force_double=True`),
      even if it is read in single precision ().
    >>> import pyuff
    >>> uff_file = pyuff.UFF('beam.uff')
    >>> uff_file.file_exists()
import os
import numpy as np
import warnings

from .datasets.dataset_15 import _write15, _extract15, get_structure_15
from .datasets.dataset_18 import _extract18, get_structure_18
from .datasets.dataset_55 import _write55, _extract55, get_structure_55
from .datasets.dataset_58 import _write58, _extract58, get_structure_58
from .datasets.dataset_82 import _write82, _extract82, get_structure_82
from .datasets.dataset_151 import _write151, _extract151, get_structure_151
from .datasets.dataset_164 import _write164, _extract164, get_structure_164
from .datasets.dataset_2411 import _write2411, _extract2411, get_structure_2411
from .datasets.dataset_2412 import _write2412, _extract2412, get_structure_2412
from .datasets.dataset_2414 import _write2414, _extract2414, get_structure_2414
from .datasets.dataset_2420 import _write2420, _extract2420, get_structure_2420
from .datasets.dataset_2429 import _write2429, _extract2429, get_structure_2429
from .datasets.dataset_2467 import _write2467, _extract2467, get_structure_2467

_SUPPORTED_SETS = ['15', '55', '58', '58b', '82', '151','164', '2411', '2412', '2414', '2420', '2429', '2467']

[docs] class UFF: """ Manages data reading and writing from/to the UFF file. The UFF class instance requires exactly 1 parameter - a file name of a universal file. If the file does not exist, no basic file info will be extracted and the status will be False - indicating that the file is not refreshed. Hovewer, when one tries to read one or more data-sets, the file must exist or the Exception will be raised. The file, given as a parameter to the UFF instance, is open only when reading from or writing to the file. The UFF instance refreshes the file automatically - use ``UFF.get_status()`` to see the refresh status); note that this works fine if the file is being changed only through the UFF instance and not by other functions or even by other means, e.g., externally. If the file is changed externally, the ``UFF.refresh()`` should be invoked before any reading or writing. All array-type data are read/written using numpy's ``np.array`` module. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None, fileName=None): """ Initializes the uff object and extract the basic info: the number of sets, types of the sets and format of the sets (ascii or binary). To manually refresh this info, call the refresh method manually. Whenever some data is written to a file, a read-only flag indicates that the file needs to be refreshed - before any reading, the file is refreshed automatically (when needed). """ # Some "private" members if filename != None: self._filename = filename elif fileName != None: self._filename = fileName warnings.warn('Argument ``fileName`` will be deprecated in the future. Please use ``filename``') self._block_ind = [] # an array of block indices: start-end pairs in rows self._refreshed = False self._n_sets = 0 # number of sets found in file self._set_types = np.array(()) # list of set-type numbers self._set_formats = np.array(()) # list of set-format numbers (0=ascii,1=binary) # Refresh self.refresh()
[docs] def get_supported_sets(self): """Returns a list of data-sets supported for reading and writing.""" return _SUPPORTED_SETS
[docs] def get_n_sets(self): """ Returns the number of valid sets found in the file.""" if not self._refreshed: self.refresh() return self._n_sets
[docs] def get_set_types(self): """ Returns an array of data-set types. All valid data-sets are returned, even those that are not supported, i.e., whose contents will not be read. """ if not self._refreshed: self.refresh() return self._set_types
[docs] def get_set_formats(self): """Returns an array of data-set formats: 0=ascii, 1=binary.""" if not self._refreshed: self.refresh() return self._set_formats
[docs] def get_file_name(self): """Returns the file name (as a string) associated with the uff object.""" return self._filename
[docs] def file_exists(self): """ Returns true if the file exists and False otherwise. If the file does not exist, invoking one of the read methods would raise the Exception exception. """ return os.path.exists(self._filename)
[docs] def get_status(self): """ Returns the file status, i.e., True if the file is refreshed and False otherwise. """ return self._refreshed
[docs] def refresh(self): """ Extract/refreshes the info of all the sets from UFF file (if the file exists). The file must exist and must be accessable otherwise, an error is raised. If the file cannot be refreshed, False is returned and True otherwise. """ self._refreshed = False if not self.file_exists(): return False # cannot read the file if it does not exist try: fh = open(self._filename, 'rb') # fh = open(self._filename, 'rt') except: raise Exception('Cannot access the file %s' % self._filename) else: try: # Parses the entire file for ' -1' tags and extracts # the corresponding indices data = data_len = len(data) ind = -1 block_ind = [] while True: ind = data.find(b' -1', ind + 1) if ind == -1: break block_ind.append(ind) block_ind = np.asarray(block_ind, dtype='int64') # Constructs block indices of start and end values; each pair # points to start and end offset of the data-set (block) data, # but, the start ' -1' tag is included while the end one is # excluded. n_blocks = int(np.floor(len(block_ind) / 2.0)) if n_blocks == 0: # No valid blocks found but the file is still considered # being refreshed fh.close() self._refreshed = True return self._refreshed self._block_ind = np.zeros((n_blocks, 2), dtype='int64') self._block_ind[:, 0] = block_ind[:-1:2].copy() self._block_ind[:, 1] = block_ind[1::2].copy() - 1 # Go through all the data-sets (blocks) and extract data-set # type and the property whether the data-set is in binary # or ascii format self._n_sets = n_blocks self._set_types = np.zeros(n_blocks).astype(int) self._set_formats = np.zeros(n_blocks) for ii in range(0, self._n_sets): si = self._block_ind[ii, 0] ei = self._block_ind[ii, 1] try: block_data = data[si:ei + 1].splitlines() self._set_types[ii] = int(block_data[1][0:6]) if block_data[1][6].lower() == 'b': self._set_formats[ii] = 1 except: # Some non-valid blocks found; ignore the exception pass del block_ind except: fh.close() raise Exception('Error refreshing UFF file: ' + self._filename) else: self._refreshed = True fh.close() return self._refreshed
[docs] def read_sets(self, setn=None): """ Reads sets from the list or array ``setn``. If ``setn=None``, all sets are read (default). Sets are numbered starting at 0, ending at n-1. The method returns a list of dset dictionaries - as many dictionaries as there are sets. Unknown data-sets are returned empty. User must be sure that, since the last reading/writing/refreshing, the data has not changed by some other means than through the UFF object. """ dset = [] if setn is None: read_range = range(0, self._n_sets) else: if (not type(setn).__name__ == 'list'): read_range = [setn] else: read_range = setn if not self.file_exists(): raise Exception('Cannot read from a non-existing file: ' + self._filename) if not self._refreshed: if not self.refresh(): raise Exception('Cannot read from the file: ' + self._filename) try: for ii in read_range: dset.append(self._read_set(ii)) except Exception as msg: raise Exception('Error when reading ' + str(ii) + '-th data-set: ' + msg.value) except: raise Exception('Error when reading data-set(s)') if len(dset) == 1: dset = dset[0] return dset
[docs] def write_sets(self, dsets, mode='add', force_double=True): """ Writes several UFF data-sets to the file. The mode can be either 'add' (default) or 'overwrite'. The dsets is a list of dictionaries, each representing one data-set. Unsupported data-sets will be ignored. When only 1 data-set is to be written, no lists are necessary, i.e., only one dictionary is required. For each data-set, there are some optional and some required fields at dset dictionary. Also, in general, the sum of the required and the optional fields together can be less then the number of fields read from the same type of data-set; the reason is that for some data-sets some fields are set automatically. Optional fields are calculated automatically and the dset is updated - as dset is actually an alias (aka pointer), this is reflected at the caller too. The required fields are: dset - dictionary representing the data-set mode - 'add' or 'overwrite' force_double - True or False (default True). Single precision should be avoided, therefore by default data is saved with double precision. """ if (not type(dsets).__name__ == 'list'): dsets = [dsets] n_sets = len(dsets) if n_sets < 1: raise Exception('Nothing to write') if mode.lower() == 'overwrite': # overwrite mode; first set is written in the overwrite mode, others # in add mode self._write_set(dsets[0], 'overwrite', force_double=force_double) for ii in range(1, n_sets): self._write_set(dsets[ii], 'add', force_double=force_double) elif mode.lower() == 'add': # add mode; all the sets are written in the add mode for ii in range(0, n_sets): self._write_set(dsets[ii], 'add', force_double=force_double) else: raise Exception('Unknown mode: ' + mode)
def _read_set(self, n): """ Reads n-th set from UFF file. n can be an integer between 0 and n_sets-1. User must be sure that, since the last reading/writing/refreshing, the data has not changed by some other means than through the UFF object. The method returns dset dictionary. """ dset = {} if not self.file_exists(): raise Exception('Cannot read from a non-existing file: ' + self._filename) if not self._refreshed: if not self.refresh(): raise Exception('Cannot read from the file: ' + self._filename + '. The file cannot be refreshed.') if (n > self._n_sets - 1) or (n < 0): raise Exception('Cannot read data-set: ' + str(int(n)) + \ '. Data-set number to high or to low.') # Read n-th data-set data (one block) try: fh = open(self._filename, 'rb') except: raise Exception('Cannot access the file: ' + self._filename + ' to read from.') else: try: si = self._block_ind[n][0] # start offset ei = self._block_ind[n][1] # end offset if self._set_types[int(n)] == 58: block_data = - si + 1) # decoding is handled later in _extract58 else: block_data = - si + 1).decode('utf-8', errors='replace') except: fh.close() raise Exception('Error reading data-set #: ' + int(n)) else: fh.close() # Extracts the dset if self._set_types[int(n)] == 15: dset = _extract15(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 18: dset = _extract18(block_data) # TEMP ADD elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 55: dset = _extract55(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 58: dset = _extract58(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 82: dset = _extract82(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 151: dset = _extract151(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 164: dset = _extract164(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 2411: dset = _extract2411(block_data) # TEMP ADD elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 2412: dset = _extract2412(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 2414: dset = _extract2414(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 2420: dset = _extract2420(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 2429: dset = _extract2429(block_data) elif self._set_types[int(n)] == 2467: dset = _extract2467(block_data) else: dset['type'] = self._set_types[int(n)] # Unsupported data-set - do nothing pass return dset def _write_set(self, dset, mode='add', force_double=True): """ Writes UFF data (UFF data-sets) to the file. The mode can be either 'add' (default) or 'overwrite'. The dset is a dictionary of keys and corresponding values. Unsupported data-set will be ignored. For each data-set, there are some optional and some required fields at dset dictionary. Also, in general, the sum of the required and the optional fields together can be less then the number of fields read from the same type of data-set; the reason is that for some data-sets some fields are set automatically. Optional fields are calculated automatically and the dset is updated - as dset is actually an alias (aka pointer), this is reflected at the caller too. """ if mode.lower() == 'overwrite': # overwrite mode try: fh = open(self._filename, 'wt') except: raise Exception('Cannot access the file: ' + self._filename + ' to write to.') elif mode.lower() == 'add': # add (append) mode try: fh = open(self._filename, 'at') except: raise Exception('Cannot access the file: ' + self._filename + ' to write to.') else: raise Exception('Unknown mode: ' + mode) try: # Actual writing try: set_type = dset['type'] except: fh.close() raise Exception('Data-set\'s dictionary is missing the required \'type\' key') # handle nan or inf if 'data' in dset.keys(): dset['data'] = np.nan_to_num(dset['data']) if set_type == 15: _write15(fh, dset) elif set_type == 55: _write55(fh, dset) elif set_type == 58: _write58(fh, dset, mode, _filename=self._filename, force_double=force_double) elif set_type == 82: _write82(fh, dset) elif set_type == 151: _write151(fh, dset) elif set_type == 164: _write164(fh, dset) elif set_type == 2411: _write2411(fh, dset) elif set_type == 2412: _write2412(fh, dset) elif set_type == 2414: _write2414(fh, dset) elif set_type == 2420: _write2420(fh, dset) elif set_type == 2429: _write2429(fh, dset) elif set_type == 2467: _write2467(fh, dset) else: # Unsupported data-set - do nothing pass except: fh.close() raise # re-raise the last exception else: fh.close() self.refresh()
if __name__ == '__main__': pass