Source code for pyuff.datasets.dataset_2420

import numpy as np

from import _opt_fields, _parse_header_line, check_dict_for_none

def get_structure_2420(raw=False):
    out = """
Universal Dataset Number: 2420

Name:   Coordinate Systems

Record 1:        FORMAT (2I10)
                 Field 1       -- Part UID

Record 2:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1       -- Part Name

Record 3:        FORMAT (4I10)
                 Field 1       -- Coordinate System Label
                 Field 2       -- Coordinate System Type
                                  = 0, Cartesian
                                  = 1, Cylindrical
                                  = 2, Spherical
                 Field 3       -- Coordinate System Color

Record 4:        FORMAT (40A2)
                 Field 1       -- Coordinate System Name

Record 5:        FORMAT (1P3D25.16)
                 Field 1-3     -- Transformation Matrix Row 1

Record 6:        FORMAT (1P3D25.16)
                 Field 1-3     -- Transformation Matrix Row 2

Record 7:        FORMAT (1P3D25.16)
                 Field 1-3     -- Transformation Matrix Row 3

Record 8:        FORMAT (1P3D25.16)
                 Field 1-3     -- Transformation Matrix Row 4

Records 3 thru 8 are repeated for each Coordinate System in the Part.


    if raw:
        return out

def _write2420(fh, dset):
        dict = {'Part_UID': 1,
                'Part_Name': 'None',
                'CS_types': [0],
                'CS_colors': [8]}
        dset = _opt_fields(dset, dict)
        fh.write('%6i\n%6i%74s\n' % (-1, 2420, ' '))
        fh.write('%10i\n' % (dset['Part_UID']))
        fh.write('%-80s\n' % (dset['Part_Name']))

        # -- Check Dimensions of input arrays
        num_CS = len(dset['CS_sys_labels'])
        if not all([len(e) == num_CS for e in [dset['CS_types'], dset['CS_colors'], dset['CS_names'], dset['CS_matrices']]]):
            raise IndexError("Values missing for one or more CS")
        for node in range(num_CS):
            fh.write('%10i%10i%10i\n' % (dset['CS_sys_labels'][node], dset['CS_types'][node], dset['CS_colors'][node]))
            fh.write('%s\n' % dset['CS_names'][node])
            fh.write('%25.16e%25.16e%25.16e\n' % tuple(dset['CS_matrices'][node][0, :]))
            fh.write('%25.16e%25.16e%25.16e\n' % tuple(dset['CS_matrices'][node][1, :]))
            fh.write('%25.16e%25.16e%25.16e\n' % tuple(dset['CS_matrices'][node][2, :]))
            fh.write('%25.16e%25.16e%25.16e\n' % tuple(dset['CS_matrices'][node][3, :]))
        fh.write('%6i\n' % -1)
        raise Exception('Error writing data-set #2420')

def _extract2420(block_data):
    '''Extract local CS/transforms -- data-set 2420.'''
    dset = {'type': 2420}
    #        try:
    split_data = block_data.splitlines(True)

    # -- Get Record 1
    dset['Part_UID'] = int(split_data[2])

    # -- Get Record 2
    dset['Part_Name'] = split_data[3].rstrip()

    # -- Get Record 3
    rec_3 = list(map(int, ''.join(split_data[4::6]).split()))
    dset['CS_sys_labels'] = rec_3[::3]
    dset['CS_types'] = rec_3[1::3]
    dset['CS_colors'] = rec_3[2::3]

    # -- Get Record 4
    dset['CS_names'] = list(map(str.rstrip, split_data[5::6]))

    # !! The following part should be made smoother
    # -- Get Record 5
    row1 = list(map(float, ''.join(split_data[6::6]).split()))
    row2 = list(map(float, ''.join(split_data[7::6]).split()))
    row3 = list(map(float, ''.join(split_data[8::6]).split()))
    row4 = list(map(float, ''.join(split_data[9::6]).split()))
    dset['CS_matrices'] = [np.vstack((row1[i:(i + 3)], row2[i:(i + 3)], row3[i:(i + 3)], row4[i:(i + 3)])) \
                            for i in np.arange(0, len(row1), 3)]

    return dset

[docs] def prepare_2420( Part_UID=None, Part_Name=None, CS_sys_labels=None, CS_types=None, CS_colors=None, CS_names=None, CS_matrices=None, return_full_dict=False): """Name: Coordinate Systems R-Record, F-Field :param Part_UID: R1 F1, Part UID :param Part_Name: R2 F1, Part Name :param CS_sys_labels: R3 F1, Coordinate System Label :param CS_types: R3 F2, Coordinate System Type (0-Cartesian, 1-Cylindrical, 2-Spherical) :param CS_colors: R3 F3, Coordinate System Color :param CS_names: R4 F1, Coordinate System Name :param CS_matrices: R5-8 F1-3, Transformation Matrix :param return_full_dict: If True full dict with all keys is returned, else only specified arguments are included """ # **Test prepare_2420** #save_to_file = 'test_pyuff' #dataset = pyuff.prepare_2420( # Part_UID = 1, # Part_Name = 'None', # CS_sys_labels = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], # CS_types = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # CS_colors = [8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8], # CS_names = ['CS1', 'CS2', 'CS3', 'CS4', 'CS5', 'CS6', 'CS7', 'CS8', 'CS9', 'CS10'], # CS_matrices = [np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]]), # np.array([[-0.44807362, 0., 0.89399666], [-0., 1., 0.], [-0.89399666, -0., -0.44807362]])]) #if save_to_file: # if os.path.exists(save_to_file): # os.remove(save_to_file) # uffwrite = pyuff.UFF(save_to_file) # uffwrite.write_sets(dataset, mode='add') #dataset if np.array(Part_UID).dtype != int and Part_UID != None: raise TypeError('Part_UID must be integer') if type(Part_Name) != str and Part_Name != None: raise TypeError('Part_Name must be str') if np.array(CS_sys_labels).dtype != int and CS_sys_labels != None: raise TypeError('CS_sys_labels must be integer') if type(CS_types) in (np.ndarray, list, tuple): for i in CS_types: if i not in (0, 1, 2): raise ValueError('CS_types can be 0, 1, 2') if np.array(CS_types).dtype != int and CS_types != None: raise ValueError('CS_types can be 0, 1, 2') if np.array(CS_colors).dtype != int and CS_colors != None: raise TypeError('CS_colors must be integer') if type(CS_names) not in (np.ndarray, list, str) and CS_names != None: raise TypeError('CS_names datatype must be str') if type(CS_names) == np.ndarray: for i in CS_names: if type(i) != np.str_: raise TypeError('CS_names datatype must be str') if type(CS_names) == list: for i in CS_names: if type(i) != str: raise TypeError('CS_names datatype must be str') if np.array(CS_matrices).dtype != float and CS_matrices != None: raise TypeError('CS_matrices must be float') dataset={ 'type': 2420, 'Part_UID':Part_UID, 'Part_Name': Part_Name, 'CS_sys_labels': CS_sys_labels, 'CS_types': CS_types, 'CS_colors': CS_colors, 'CS_names': CS_names, 'CS_matrices': CS_matrices } if return_full_dict is False: dataset = check_dict_for_none(dataset) return dataset